Friday, April 24, 2015

Oracle Access Manager 11g & PeopleSoft SSO integration high level steps


Oracle Access Manager environment is up and running

High Level Steps:

  1. Download PeopleSoft Interaction Hub DEMO Virtual Machine from Oracle Support and start virtual machine as per the instructions in Support Notes
  2. Download Oracle Client from PeopleSoft Image shared folder
  3. Download PeopleSoft Application Designer from PeopleSoft Image shared folder
  4. Install Oracle Client by selecting “Administrator” as installation type and copy tnsnames.ora from PeopleSoft DEMO VM share folder to Oracle Client network/admin folder
  5. Install PeopleSoft Application Designer on Windows Server
  6. When Prompted enter DEMO License code provided in
  7. Login to PeopleSoft Application Designer with Admin credentials(Ex: PS/PS).
  8. Login to PeopleSoft and create new user profile. In this case it’s “OAMPSFT”
  9. Search for getWWWAuthConfig() function using PeopleSoft Application Designer and change defaultUserId value to “OAMPSFT” and save
  10. Search for OAMSSO_AUTHENTICATION() function and update header value from “OAM_REMOTE_USER” to “PS_SSO_UID"
  11. Navigate to Main Menu>> People Tools>> Web Profile and select the web profile being used and navigate to Security tab and select “Allow Public Access” and enter UserID/ Password(In this case “OAMPSFT and it’s password")
  12. Update "Signon Peoplecode" as shown in the screen shot below. 
  13. Bounce PSFT web and app services
  14. Install OHS webserver and OAM WebGate 
  15. Configure Reverse proxy settings from OHS webserver to PeopleSoft instance
  16. Configure Authorization Header variable”PS_SSO_UID" in OAM Application Domain
  17. Test the PeopleSoft application login with OHS URL

Useful Links:

Hope this helps some one out there!!

-- Siva Pokuri.

Friday, April 10, 2015

FIX: 'Warning: Page has Expired' In OAM-Protected Site After Clicking Back Button In Browser


1. In Access System Console, edit the AccessGate settings for the WebGate.

2. Remove the 'no-cache' values from the CachePragmaHeader and CacheControlHeader fields.

3. Click Save.

 4. Wait for up to 10 minutes for the WebGate to automatically refresh it's configuration or restart the webgate webserver for immediate refresh.

-- Siva Pokuri.

Oracle Entitlements Server WebService SM XACML calls with Sample WebApplication Demo

-- Siva Pokuri

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

INFO: OES 11g - Calls in XACML call take too much time(5 min for each call)

Use the following to force to use the http 1.1.


 Ref: OES11gr2 - Calls in XACML Sample Issue take too much time (Doc ID 1554380.1)

  -- Siva Pokuri.